Sonnys Pawn and Gun Shop
We buy and sell quality pre-owned and brand new Guns, Gold, Jewelry, Electronics, guitars, music equipment,closeout inventory, surplus, militaria and tactical equipment,hunting fishing and camping equipment, tools (home to commercial/industrial grade), antiques and collectibles. If you don't have the money for what you really want or need come by and see us...we can loan you the money!

Sonnys Pawn and Gun Shop
200 N. Montgomery Ave.
Sheffield AL
Store hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-5pm Wed. & Sat. 8am-noon CST
You Can Contact us at:
You can get directions to our store here:
Directions to Store
Visit Our Ebay Store:

Click here for our GREAT Ebay deals!
Our Online Gun Auctions:

Live in the Shoals Area and want to price your new firearm online now?
Visit our online store at Davidsons by clicking here to find your price and availability. You can even go ahead and get it on it's way with a downpayment online and pay the balance at our store when you pick it up! In one to three days you can have your brand new firearm with the Davidsons forever guarantee. Shop from home with confidence with Sonnys Pawn and Gun Shop
You can also view our auctions of pre-owned quality firearms and related merchandise by clicking the links below:
Our GunBroker Auctions

Our Guns America listings

Unfortunately due to Paypal's Un-American fascist policy on firearms, firearm related items, militaria and knives we no longer accept paypal payments. We can take your credit card payments over the phone. We apologize for the inconvienience and urge you to call paypal and ask them to reconsider their standing policy of policing what 100% legal items you may purchase with their services (and your money) by calling them toll free at 1-888-221-1161. Much like Walmart...they are great people to avoid doing business with at all cost. They are anti-gun, anti-freedom, and just plain bad people to do business with. Think LONG and HARD before sharing your banking information with paypal (read the entire user agreement and see what you are signing away!) In short no we will not take paypal payments ever again and no -we will not make an exception. We reget any inconvenience this causes. Again on Ebay sales we accept credit card payments for no additiona; charge. On gunbroker and GunsAmerica listings please at 3% to cover cost (as these auctions are always priced as low as we can go as is and assume certified funds payment with FFL)
The Music Shop:

The Jewelry Counter:

The Tool Bin:
Jon Boy's Corner
Ramblings pics and projects from a self diagnosed gun addict!
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